Letters to Juliet is an American romantic comedy film starring Amanda Seyfried, Chris Egan, Vanessa Redgrave, Gad Garcia Bernal and Franco Nero. The film is directed by Gary Winick.
Who doesn't know Shakespeare's Juliet? She's a girl who killed herself at the age of 13 over a boy she had known for a matter of weeks. Her story cautions the lovers of today and teaches them as to what can happen if the love goes wrong. Writing letters to Juliet is a good idea. The film depicts characters who write letters to Juliet who doesn't fail to given them romantic advice in return. Young Sophie played by Amanda Seyfried and elderly Claire played by Vanessa Redgrave are two characters in the film who share interest in writing letters to Juliet. They are two major characters in the film.
The film depicts New York where Sophie is a fact checker for the magazine called The New Yorker and is engaged to hot chef Victor played by mega-hot Gael Garcia Bernad. He is a wrong guy for Sophie. The two travel to Verona as a pre-honeymoon. At Verona, Victor starts searching for new Italian food supplier. Sophie moves around 'Juliet's balcony' and watches lovelorn women writing letters to Juliet. Here she happens to get her hand at a 50-year-old letter written by Claire in which she talked about how heartbroken she was for jilting the Italian man who was her one true love.
Sophie then contacts Claire. The two then drive around the Italian countryside. They have Claire's grandson Charlie (Christopher Egan) too accompanying them. Charlie doesn't like Claire's idea of searching for a man whom she hasn't seen for last 50 years. The name of the man is Lorenzo (Franco Nero). Charlie wonders whether Lorenzo even remembers Claire. But the two females treat him with total scorn and continue with their search. But Sophie and Charlie fall for each other while Claire finds her Lorenzo.
Now I'll write a few words about the characters of the film. Amanda Seyfried as Sophie Hall is great. It is she who finds 'Juliet's House' with weeping women writing letters and leaving them there. She follows a young woman who takes the letters, and while helping her the next day, she finds a 50-year-old letter and decides to write back, leading her to meet Claire, the woman who had written the letter. She then embarks on a journey with Claire and her grandson Charlie to find Claire's long lost love. Claire not only finds her love, but Sophie too becomes Charlie's love interest. Chris Egan as Charlie Wyman, Claire's unpleasant grandson, has also done a good job. He appears grumpy. He claims to have a good heart, like his father. Charlie soon develops a relationship with Sophie, and he becomes her love interest. Vanessa Redgrave as Claire Smith-Wyman, the girl who wrote the letter to Juliet 50 years before, is another lead character. Sophie meets her. Claire is a kind woman and develops a close friendship with Sophie as they search for her Lorenzo, her long lost love whom she fell in love with when they were fifteen. Her parents did not approve of him, and they separated. Franco Nero plays Lorenzo Bartolini, Claire's love interest and long lost love. He met her when they were fifteen years old, in Verona. Claire's parents did not approve of him, and soon they were separated. His son and grandson are both named Lorenzo Bartolini, and they work at a grape vineyard. Nero, for your information, is Redgrave's real life husband and the love story between their characters is nearly autobiographical. Gael Garcia Bernad plays Victor, Sophie's chef fiancé. He is constantly busy and barely has time for Sophie. Most of the time during their visit to Verona, he is away in some other town while Sophie helps Claire and Charlie. He is even interested in Juliet's secretaries' kitchen recipes. The film also has Lidia Biondi as Donatella, one of Juliet's secretaries, Daniel Baldock as Lorenzo Jr., the older one of Lorenzo's sons, Milena Vukotic as Maria, one of Juliet's secretaries, Luisa Ranieri as Secretary, one of the four original Juliet's secretaries, Marina Massironi as Francesca, another one of Juliet's secretaries, Ashley Lilley as Patricia, Charlie's cousin who has the same name as his ex-girlfriend and Oliver Platt as New York magazine editor.
The film Letters to Juliet features plenty of beautiful Italian scenery and food. It is a romantic comedy set in a beautiful location. In the movie, Sophie and Claire are shown as gazing up at the stars or moaning about what misery life without love could be. If you are this kind of person, then you should certainly watch the movie which will release on 22 October 2010. It is just meant for you!
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