City needs more signals, scanners and sofwares
Navi Mumbai is desperately in need of more signals, scanners and softwares.
More signals are needed for orderly traffic movement. There are quite many spots in Navi Mumbai where signals are urgently needed. For example, on Palm Beach Road, the motorists usually overspeed and this causes accidents. There is no signal to stop the vehicles from being rashly driven. At certain points the vehicles can collide with each other anytime. Signals at these points will reduce the risk of accidents there. Thane-Belapur Road is another sensitive place. This road is wide enough to avoid traffic congestion but due to no signals, motorists are in a danger of accidents as there is a continuous flow of heavy vehicles on the road. Another sensitive area is D-Mart Chowk. There is always traffic congestion here. As there are four roads joining at one place, the chowk is usually congested as it is also road for many buses as well. A signal is the need of the hour there. These are just some of the many sensitive spots in Navi Mumbai where signals are urgently needed.
Installment of scanners will do a lot of good to the city. The city has several entry points and they need to be thoroughly scanned. Both movements of people and traffic need to be closely scanned by installing of hi-tech cameras at strategic points. These cameras should be wired to a centralized command centre and the strict surveillance should be coordinated over walkie talkie sets with the police station. Scanners should also be installed at bus depots, outside suburban railway stations, shopping malls, market areas and other sensitive places to monitor the movement of the crowd. These kinds of precautionary measures are become absolutely necessary especially after the serial blasts in Mumbai recently.
Next it is absolutely necessary to develop software to control traffic violators in the city. The software should be installed into the server and then centralized so that officials from all the units can access the data. The idea is to record the details of the traffic violators and keep a check on the repetitive offenders. Currently, details of the offenders are recorded manually in the diary due to which it is not possible to trace if a particular person is a second offender or not. Installing of the software will help in recognizing the second time offender. It is not enough just to install computers but there should also be 100% electric supply to make the computers function continuously.
Thus signals, scanners and softwares need to be urgently installed at right spots in Navi Mumbai and this will do a lot of good to the city.
Navi Mumbai is desperately in need of more signals, scanners and softwares.
More signals are needed for orderly traffic movement. There are quite many spots in Navi Mumbai where signals are urgently needed. For example, on Palm Beach Road, the motorists usually overspeed and this causes accidents. There is no signal to stop the vehicles from being rashly driven. At certain points the vehicles can collide with each other anytime. Signals at these points will reduce the risk of accidents there. Thane-Belapur Road is another sensitive place. This road is wide enough to avoid traffic congestion but due to no signals, motorists are in a danger of accidents as there is a continuous flow of heavy vehicles on the road. Another sensitive area is D-Mart Chowk. There is always traffic congestion here. As there are four roads joining at one place, the chowk is usually congested as it is also road for many buses as well. A signal is the need of the hour there. These are just some of the many sensitive spots in Navi Mumbai where signals are urgently needed.
Installment of scanners will do a lot of good to the city. The city has several entry points and they need to be thoroughly scanned. Both movements of people and traffic need to be closely scanned by installing of hi-tech cameras at strategic points. These cameras should be wired to a centralized command centre and the strict surveillance should be coordinated over walkie talkie sets with the police station. Scanners should also be installed at bus depots, outside suburban railway stations, shopping malls, market areas and other sensitive places to monitor the movement of the crowd. These kinds of precautionary measures are become absolutely necessary especially after the serial blasts in Mumbai recently.
Next it is absolutely necessary to develop software to control traffic violators in the city. The software should be installed into the server and then centralized so that officials from all the units can access the data. The idea is to record the details of the traffic violators and keep a check on the repetitive offenders. Currently, details of the offenders are recorded manually in the diary due to which it is not possible to trace if a particular person is a second offender or not. Installing of the software will help in recognizing the second time offender. It is not enough just to install computers but there should also be 100% electric supply to make the computers function continuously.
Thus signals, scanners and softwares need to be urgently installed at right spots in Navi Mumbai and this will do a lot of good to the city.
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