operation will only make matter worse
The betting and spot-fixing scandal in
the Indian Premier League (IPL) has disturbed all the cricket lovers in India . It is a shame
that the Board of Control for Cricket in India has no control over the
players. In fact, it is high time
for BCCI to display their controlling power.
An investigation into these match fixing
business led to revelation that there was no evidence that any of our players
have done anything wrong. Is this a kind of cover-up attempt?
The thing is BCCI is itself suspected of
being headed by corrupt individuals. If this is the case how can we expect the
players to be clean?
Before probing into the dirty works done
by the players, BCCI should first undergo self-scrutiny.
The BCCI takes shelter behind being a
‘private body’. But it should not forget that without the public support the
game has, the BCCI could never have wielded the sort of clout it does in world
cricket. Yet it seems to want to enjoy power without responsibility,
particularly towards the game’s fans. It operates like a strictly private club,
most of whose members appear to swear by a code of Omertà.
It is clear that the activities of the
BCCI are controlled or rather manipulated by a few persons with a lot of
political clout. They have the confidence that they can pull wires when needed
and get out of any trouble whatsoever. The result is that the sports body is
floating in a sea of corruption and misdeeds. Our government is watching these
sordid developments but our government is itself being accused of corruption.
How can we expect such a government to control BCCI? BCCI needs men of proven
integrity, transparency and accountability but who will introduce these
The BCCI's actions seem to be
reminiscent of that of the Church under the Pope in medieval times. BCCI, an
institution which determines the fate of cricketers in India, now rather
controls. This was always bound to happen. We live in a democracy that is
entangled with corruption, corruption spreads like a disease, and this disease
is affecting all major bodies in India .
BCCI should understand that it represents
passion and love of a nation for a sports. The BCCI, by acting as representative of passion and love, should
appreciate its responsibility to act in a manner which complies with idea of India
and its democratic values.
This cover-up operation has left not an
iota of doubt that BCCI least cares about India , its people and their love.
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