Hillary has an
edge over Trump
presidential debates gave the world the sight of an
experienced politician, and first-ever woman nominee for the White House, Democrat and former Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton. Her Republican
rival is Donald Trump. It was a tough fight between the two and undoubtedly Ms.
Clinton emerged from the brawl with poise and a lawyer-like command. The
elections are within six weeks i.e. on November 8
debates are followed by most US citizens and foreign people with great
interest. The Clinton-Trump debate was not only very interesting but also
raised many controversies. Some people feel that personal accusations and
anchors partisan behaviour has lowered the standards of debate.
The USA, with
4.2% of world population, enjoys 25% of all wealth and resources, and they have
the world's best Human resources, whereby almost every nation, including India,
have unwittingly allowed huge "brain drain", and somehow consider
that as a great thing for the world. While, one cannot question the sovereignty
and world Right of the USA to progress in any fashion they wish, today the
equations of world Socio-Economic and political systems are not just simple
arithmetics and mere considerations of one nation - instead, we have reached a
stage whereby the world's resources are entwined in an unparalleled
interconnected system, and what happens in even a small nation has
repercussions, worldwide. And, when it pertains to the Richest and most
advanced nation, the impact would be tremendous.
Both Hilary and
Trump took the debate in the right perspective pointing out the weaknesses with
dramatic presentation. Hilary was taken by surprise by Donald on her weakness
of using a private e mail server, her proximity to Wall Street issues and the
like and she was put behind in that scores. But Trump's foreign policies, comments
on Muslims, African American issues, tax cut for big business houses etc., all were
criticised by Hillary. Ultimately, the moderator slanted the scale towards Hillary
and now Hillary is one up in the score of three.
The best thing
is like it happens in Indian elections, they did not debate on what freebies
they would shower on the people if they get to the Presidential Palace.
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