Beware of bad companions
The company he or she keeps influences him or her. Our companion influences tremendously both our mental state and actions. Even a person with all positive attributes may end up pursuing undesirable activity because of bad company. You may be mentally strong. But yet you can land in situations where you are forced to move around with a bad element.
This bad element could be a very corrupt person and he or she can somehow or the other make you corrupt too. History talks about many good people who were ruined by their bad companions. It is important that you keep yourself in good company and avoid bad companions like cancer.
If you spend a great deal of time with materialistic persons discussing worldly affairs all the time, you are bound to become like them, irrespective of the meditation you might be practicing. It is not a crime to be materialistic. What is important is the method you adopt to accumulate materials. If you are earning your wealth legally and ethically, there is nothing wrong in it. But acquiring wealth by using wrong means is very bad. It will have negative influence on your psyche and personality. Hence it is necessary to be in the company of honest people rather than move around with corrupt ones.
It is rightly said that good literature and good company play seminal roles in shaping your personality. Sometimes our mind itself can be our worst enemy. A person can be ruined if his or her mind is not cooperative. In such situations the company of good people can bring in unbelievable change in the mental state.
It is difficult indeed to avoid the company of those who have negative qualities in abundance - they tend to entice you to stay with them or harass you to remain their companion. Such is the force of negative influences. The mutual dependence among those who lack integrity tends to be greater than among those who shine out on account of their integrity. Because of this, destructive power often tends to become more powerful than its constructive counterpart. But one has to keep up the deepest mental poise and follow the principle of 'generous neglect'.
It is part of our social responsibility to warn wrong-doers against their actions but there is no point in repeated reminders. Say it once and go ahead without looking back. Time would be better spent on contemplation. Problems caused by your enemies can at times prove to be very costly. But the principle of tolerance works in unique ways. You should be determined not to get ruined by the bad ones.
It is necessary for honest ambitious person to keep company of saints and avoid the company of bad elements. While the former will channel your ambition in the right direction, the latter can misguide you. So beware of bad companions.
The company he or she keeps influences him or her. Our companion influences tremendously both our mental state and actions. Even a person with all positive attributes may end up pursuing undesirable activity because of bad company. You may be mentally strong. But yet you can land in situations where you are forced to move around with a bad element.
This bad element could be a very corrupt person and he or she can somehow or the other make you corrupt too. History talks about many good people who were ruined by their bad companions. It is important that you keep yourself in good company and avoid bad companions like cancer.
If you spend a great deal of time with materialistic persons discussing worldly affairs all the time, you are bound to become like them, irrespective of the meditation you might be practicing. It is not a crime to be materialistic. What is important is the method you adopt to accumulate materials. If you are earning your wealth legally and ethically, there is nothing wrong in it. But acquiring wealth by using wrong means is very bad. It will have negative influence on your psyche and personality. Hence it is necessary to be in the company of honest people rather than move around with corrupt ones.
It is rightly said that good literature and good company play seminal roles in shaping your personality. Sometimes our mind itself can be our worst enemy. A person can be ruined if his or her mind is not cooperative. In such situations the company of good people can bring in unbelievable change in the mental state.
It is difficult indeed to avoid the company of those who have negative qualities in abundance - they tend to entice you to stay with them or harass you to remain their companion. Such is the force of negative influences. The mutual dependence among those who lack integrity tends to be greater than among those who shine out on account of their integrity. Because of this, destructive power often tends to become more powerful than its constructive counterpart. But one has to keep up the deepest mental poise and follow the principle of 'generous neglect'.
It is part of our social responsibility to warn wrong-doers against their actions but there is no point in repeated reminders. Say it once and go ahead without looking back. Time would be better spent on contemplation. Problems caused by your enemies can at times prove to be very costly. But the principle of tolerance works in unique ways. You should be determined not to get ruined by the bad ones.
It is necessary for honest ambitious person to keep company of saints and avoid the company of bad elements. While the former will channel your ambition in the right direction, the latter can misguide you. So beware of bad companions.
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