Excellent job by traffic police department of Navi Mumbai
Maharashtra Road Safety Campaign 2012 that ends on January 15 was in accordance with the United Nations Decade of Road Safety 2011-2020 and focused on information networking to secure our lives. The objective was to increase people's participation in policing activities.
In Navi Mumbai, a large number of students were roped in to drive home the message. 'Ride Fast, Be The Past' was the slogan adopted by deputy RTO of Navi Mumbai and this did succeed in touching the chord. The stress was put on understanding of traffic rules and inculcating traffic sense amongst youngsters before they learn to drive any vehicle. The traffic police department rightly roped in the students for this campaign because they are the ones who indulge in rash driving most of the time. They are the ones who tend to break traffic rules. They are young bloods and hence are adventurous. They drive rashly or perform various kinds of stunts while driving just for fun or to impress the opposite sex. They little realize that by doing so they are putting not only their own lives but also the lives of pedestrians and other vehicle drivers in danger. Not only the traffic department, but also parents and teachers should teach these youngsters the hazards of over-speeding, breaking traffic signals and driving recklessly. Inculcating safe driving practices among these students is a must. Once this is done, the number of fatal accidents in the city will come down considerably.
The traffic police department of Navi Mumbai did a great job by arranging poster writing, slogan writing, photography, short film and skit competition, the theme of which was 'Anything and everything on road safety'. Big banners promoting the campaign were placed in college campuses along with posters. The campaign emphasized on road safety for bikers, especially the youth, since one-third of accidents involved two-wheel riders. Vehicles met with accidents were displayed to people. The citizens of Navi Mumbai were informed, educated and communicated with through SMSes, booklets and personal interactions.
In fact, Navi Mumbai's traffic police department should be lauded for playing a stellar role in decreasing the number of accidents cases in 2011 by taking extra precautionary measures and increasing vigilance in the city and organizing many awareness drives. They took measures like installing railings and high mast lights at sensitive places. This resulted in number of fatal accidents coming down considerably.
It's true that to prevent accidents totally the traffic police has to play an important role. But that's not enough. Even the cooperation of general public is absolutely necessary. People should make it a point to follow traffic rules, be careful while crossing roads and not indulge in rash driving. If people also cooperate, it will drive away more than half the headache of traffic police department.
Maharashtra Road Safety Campaign 2012 that ends on January 15 was in accordance with the United Nations Decade of Road Safety 2011-2020 and focused on information networking to secure our lives. The objective was to increase people's participation in policing activities.
In Navi Mumbai, a large number of students were roped in to drive home the message. 'Ride Fast, Be The Past' was the slogan adopted by deputy RTO of Navi Mumbai and this did succeed in touching the chord. The stress was put on understanding of traffic rules and inculcating traffic sense amongst youngsters before they learn to drive any vehicle. The traffic police department rightly roped in the students for this campaign because they are the ones who indulge in rash driving most of the time. They are the ones who tend to break traffic rules. They are young bloods and hence are adventurous. They drive rashly or perform various kinds of stunts while driving just for fun or to impress the opposite sex. They little realize that by doing so they are putting not only their own lives but also the lives of pedestrians and other vehicle drivers in danger. Not only the traffic department, but also parents and teachers should teach these youngsters the hazards of over-speeding, breaking traffic signals and driving recklessly. Inculcating safe driving practices among these students is a must. Once this is done, the number of fatal accidents in the city will come down considerably.
The traffic police department of Navi Mumbai did a great job by arranging poster writing, slogan writing, photography, short film and skit competition, the theme of which was 'Anything and everything on road safety'. Big banners promoting the campaign were placed in college campuses along with posters. The campaign emphasized on road safety for bikers, especially the youth, since one-third of accidents involved two-wheel riders. Vehicles met with accidents were displayed to people. The citizens of Navi Mumbai were informed, educated and communicated with through SMSes, booklets and personal interactions.
In fact, Navi Mumbai's traffic police department should be lauded for playing a stellar role in decreasing the number of accidents cases in 2011 by taking extra precautionary measures and increasing vigilance in the city and organizing many awareness drives. They took measures like installing railings and high mast lights at sensitive places. This resulted in number of fatal accidents coming down considerably.
It's true that to prevent accidents totally the traffic police has to play an important role. But that's not enough. Even the cooperation of general public is absolutely necessary. People should make it a point to follow traffic rules, be careful while crossing roads and not indulge in rash driving. If people also cooperate, it will drive away more than half the headache of traffic police department.
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