Saturday, September 3, 2016

Dinesh Kamath's Editorial 'Floods and droughts occur due to poor water management' that was published in Newsband

Floods and droughts occur due to poor water management
Severe flooding during the monsoon leads to loss of life and property.  Residents of five States in India are currently struggling to cope with the effects of intense rainfall. Many of those lucky to have been rescued owe it to the National Disaster Response Force.
The floods occur owing to tardy pace of preparation for rescue and relief, poor capacity-building to handle catastrophic weather events and lack of serious attention paid to setting up relief camps, creating crisis-proof health infrastructure and stockpiling dry rations and medicines. Lack of robust regular services during emergencies is another reason. This is particularly true of health facilities. No control over outcome of infections and the absence of care for pregnant women are other reasons. These challenges require to be met in emergency mode.
The widespread of rain causing flooding is due to the lack of water management plan by which people suffer in many parts of the country regularly. These people suffer from droughts in the absence of rain, and floods during the rains. Rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and many kinds of water levels were established during the reign of the old kings and they managed those carefully to avoid floods. Why can’t we today?
Instead of few very large dams and hydro-electric projects it is better and more economical to build smaller dams and reservoirs to mitigate the effect of silt deposition and submerging in a local area. There are two face aspect to the problem of floods. First is of silt deposition in the upstream areas of big dams, erosion of delta areas.  In India, erosion and [reservoir] sedimentation are not only severe and costly, but accelerating. It is now obvious that the original project estimates of expected sedimentation rates were faulty, based on too few reliable data over too short a period. Second face is encroachment of river beds by land mafias. Filling the river banks to get more and more filled land for real estate projects is also responsible for flooding in urban areas.
Under the present dispensation flood situation will be a permanent features for decades to come. Drought or flooding of rivers are annual occurrences. Once the problem is over they are forgotten until the occurrence of the next cycle. This is our administrative structure with no efficient institutions to mitigate natural calamities on permanent basis.
Hence the common man has to pay the price for the callous attitude on the part of the concerned authorities. This is very pathetic situation in our country where when state like Maharashtra faces acute shortage of water, Bihar faces floods.

Water is the most important bounty of nature, but it becomes a curse due to its mismanagement. Loss of lives and property should be avoided by properly channelizing rivers, linking rivers through canals, desilting river beds, taking strict action against those encroaching in flood plains and through proper civic planning. This way we can turn this nature's bounty into valuable gift.

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