Monday, October 15, 2018

Dinesh Kamath's Editorial 'Don’t just make accusations, prove them!' that was published in Newsband

Don’t just make accusations, prove them!
The Minister of State for External Affairs, M.J. Akbar, dismissed the long string of charges of sexual harassment made against him by former women colleagues as a tissue of lies. Akbar’s basic theme: with elections round the corner, these charges are motivated.
Not every one of the dozen or so women have claimed they were physically assaulted, the overall picture they have painted is that of a systematic pattern of sexual harassment. Their stories range from suggestiveness and innuendo to outright molestation.
Ghazala Wahab, now executive editor at FORCE magazine, has written of repeated molestation at his hands in the mid-1990s when he was her editor at Asian Age. Majlie de Puy Kamp, now a New York-based reporter, has spoken of how a decade later he forcibly kissed her, when she was 18 and interning with him.
But how can BJP start a precedent of sacking a minister merely on the basis of #MeToo allegations, when a snooper highly vulnerable to #MeToo is sitting at top? It is clear that none of the accusers can produce any proof for the kind of behaviour he has been alleged to have exhibited during his journalistic days. Is it the case that all accusing women are holy angels who could never lie?
Nobody should resign on the basis of mere allegations. MJ Akbar has done the right thing by standing his ground and taking legal action against those who have made scurrilous comments against him. The allegationa are yet to be proven true, before any evident point we should not come to conclusion and straight away ask for resignation
Did anyone write to the PM? Also MJ Akbar a turncoat did not join BJP yesterday. Why then the complainants did not raise the issue as soon as he joined BJP or even when he was made a minister. The complainants must explain the delay in their allegations to make their complaints more of substance.
The media is too harsh on Modi for several reasons. Firstly, the BJP President has already announced that the issue was being investigated. No action can be taken without even a prima facie evidence. How can the PM take any action without even giving an opportunity for MJ Akbar to state his position?
The whole exercise seems to be unfair to Modi rather than accord due seriousness to a shameful issue brought against a tall journalist who happens to be a Minister now. If Khushwant Singh were to be alive, what could be his reaction to ME TOO?

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