Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dinesh Kamath passes on his thoughts

Former US President John F Kennedy had said, "Ask not what your country has done for you. Ask what you have done for your country." This utterance of Kennedy applies to all the people in the world. I would put that same quote in a simpler form. I would say, "Ask not what your society has done for you. Ask what you have done for your society."
People today judge how successful a person is by looking at how much wealth he has amassed. But I would like to tell such people that there are smugglers and thieves who have amassed a lot of wealth. But what is their contribution to the society? Nil! There are some dishonest politicians in our country who have hardly done anything for their society but yet are wealthy. And there are honest people who have contributed immensely to the society but have hardly got anything in return from the society. Now would you call those smuggler, thieves and corrupt politicians as great success? Would you call an honest person who has contributed in a big way to the society but is poor as an utter failure?
So I would like every person to judge the usefulness and success of a person by looking at how much he or she has contributed to the society and not by counting the money he has received from the society. This is because society has many a times failed to do justice to a person who has done a great service to it. If you judge a person by the money he has amassed then you will be making most of the anti-social elements heroes when actually they are villains. Keep that in mind! Bye!

1 comment:

  1. My opinion is that the ideal thing to do would be "Ask what your country or society has done for you and also ask what you have done for your country or society." There should be a proper give and take. Only then can you live a normal life. Every individual has the right to obtain from society or country the worth of the service he or she has done to it.
