Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dinesh Kamath's Editorial (Death penalty is not the answer) that was published in Newsband

Death penalty is not the answer
Here is what Osho has to say about death penalty:
What is death penalty? It is man's inhumanity to man. In a few countries it has been replaced by life imprisonment - which is worse than the death penalty itself. It is better to die in a single moment than to go on dying slowly for 50 or 60 years.
If you cannot give life as a reward, you cannot give death as a penalty. This is simple logic. If you cannot give life, what right have you got to take it?
In some countries the law says that unless you are proved innocent, you are guilty. This goes against all humanitarian ideals, democracy, freedom and respect for individuality. The rule should be: unless you are proved guilty, you are innocent.
The death penalty is: an eye for an eye. If a man is thought to have murdered somebody, then he should be murdered. But it is strange: if killing somebody is a crime, then how can you remove crime from society by committing the same crime again? There was one man murdered; now there are two men murdered.
If murder is wrong, then whether it is committed by the accused or by society and its court makes no difference.
Killing is a crime. The death penalty is a crime committed by society against a single, helpless individual. The death penalty is revenge. Society is taking revenge because the man did not follow the rules of society; society is ready to kill him. But actually when somebody murders, it shows that man is psychologically sick. Rather than sending him to prison or to be executed, he should be sent to a nursing home where he can be taken care of physically, psychologically and spiritually. He is sick. He needs compassion; there is no question of penalty and punishment.
Yes, it is true, one man is murdered; but we cannot do anything about it. By murdering this man the other will not come back to life.
Punishment never cures the person. Every day the number of criminals is growing and you build more prisons.
Nobody is a criminal... people need compassion, not imprisonment. All prisons should be transformed into psychological nursing homes.

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