Monday, September 17, 2012

Dinesh Kamath's Editorial (Performer and spectator) that was published in Newsband

Performer and spectator
In this world, there are few performers and the rest are just spectators. Most of the people in this world are reduced almost to the state of spectator. They keep watching the performers performing on television screen. They are simply seeing other people live, other people playing: a football match, a boxing competition, and thus they are simply spectator. Then there is the movie -- the same; again they are spectators. Then there are real matches, and millions of people go mad; and the Olympics -- and they are just reduced to becoming spectators. Eighteen persons are playing the game and one hundred thousand people are simply spectators.
All have talents. But you need to be exceptionally talented to be performer. Otherwise you are reduced to becoming spectators. There is very close relations between performers and spectators. Just as spectators need performers to pass their time, so also performers need spectators without whom they could never have become performers. Just as spectators feel a kind of joy while watching the performer perform so also the performers feel extremely joyous when they get the attention of the spectators. Thus performers and spectators just cannot do without each other. One could not have existed without the other.
You go to a holy place, you listen to the sermon and that is your religion. Here the person who delivers the sermon is a performer. The rest are all spectators. Even when you are reading a book or a newspaper column, you are watching the writer of that book or column performing although the writer is not visible to you. Also the spectator is not visible to the writer. In other words, you are reading the book or newspaper column as a spectator.
When you go to a 5-star hotel you eat the food that is cooked by a chef. You are not the only one who is eating the dish created by the chef. In fact, there are many customers who visit the hotel and consume the food that has been wonderfully cooked by the chef. Here again, the chef is the performer, while all those customers who visit the hotel and eat the dishes cooked by the chef are spectators.
Spectators inspire the performer to give best performances while a great performer inspires the spectators to make their lives absolutely worth living. Spectators get the mood to live after seeing a fine performance by the performer.
So as long as there are spectators, there will be performers and vice versa. 

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