Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dinesh Kamath's Editorial (Control your anger) that was published in Newsband

Control your anger
Anger is the most dangerous emotion. Anger has destroyed a person, a family and also a country. Anger can become your major flaw if you don’t control it. Anger to a limit is good since it keeps the situation around under control. But if you display anger which is beyond the limit, then it can be self destructive and also it can destroy others around you.
Everyone has the right to be angry. It’s a natural emotion. But you should learn to control your anger. Otherwise this negative emotion can prove to be your downfall.  
Man makes rules to lead a happy life. ‘Control your anger’ never fails to be one of those rules. Uncontrolled anger is like an insane horse which is bound to lead the rider to death.
When we get angry most of us rationalize that the other person is provoking us. We all seek refuge in saying that “I was not going to say anything but he left me with no choice.” We think ourselves to be rational while doing and saying the most irrational things ever. So whenever we are angry it is necessary for us to do introspection. That way we will realize that we are the sole reason for our anger. It is not enough to find out faults in others. We must develop the abilities to find faults in ourselves. That way many tragedies in our lives can be averted.
When somebody provokes you either you reply or remain silent. It’s your prerogative. To exercise this control is the hardest thing. The sweet taste of victorious pride is hard to let go. The desire to revenge our wounded pride is irresistible and this is the very desire which creates friction between friends, destroys families and sometimes causes some people to commit unspeakable acts of crimes. And all the while, the secret to avoid all this lies within our heart.
The best way to overcome anger is by reasoning. Reason with yourself and also reason with others. Let the other person know your side of the story. Shout less and listen more. It’s true that you’ll score a victory when you shout. But you will suffer defeat too in a way that your health will suffer owing to your outburst. There are cases where anger has killed people. So be very careful before you express your anger. Loud expression of anger can be self destructive while controlled expression can save you from self destruction. 
Another way to control the anger is by listening to one’s conscience. Most often than not, we regret our words whenever spoken in haste but this repentance comes very late. Sometimes we don’t even get the opportunity to apologize. If we can just listen to our inner voice whenever we are angry, we will not just save others from being hurt, we can save ourselves too from the inferno of rage and destruction.

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