Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Dinesh Kamath's Editorial 'How is India at 70?' that was published in Newsband

How is India at 70?
What has independent India achieved over 70 years? Our record as a democracy is something to be proud of, particularly when seen against the experience of our neighbours. Except for Emergency, there have been no serious aberrations. India’s 29 States and the Centre could agree to a standardised goods and services tax.
For India to secure a place at the high table of nations, it should focus on economic progress and development of liberal, democratic values. India should respect political freedoms of the individual and economic freedom as well. Boost should be given to entrepreneurship and innovation.
Our government’s ‘minimum government, maximum governance’ policy should be appreciated. It is good to see India being able to keep under control inflation, external debt, fiscal deficit and current account deficit. This has boosted Investor confidence in India.
What is shameful is India’s per capita income in PPP terms is comparable to Vietnam’s. Sri Lanka and Bangladesh fare better in their health and education indices.
India's food grain production was 51 million tons in 1947, our population was 350 million. Our food grain output is now 275 million tons while our population is 1200 million. Food grain production has grown 5.5x while population has grown 3.5x since independence. Thus it is nice to see that per capita availability of food grains has not changed.
After seventy years of independence India is marching ahead in both social and economic growth. Incessant reforms undertaken by the government bring strong economic growth indicated by sound GDP, current account deficit and fiscal deficit well under control, budgetry deficits are manageable and increasing exports and surging value of rupee tell story of prosperity.

Yet the neglected agriculture with increasing farmers' distress, destabilised banking system, poor health policies policy paralysis to political parties, lacking ease of doing business, political turmoils, growing terrorism, disturbing neighbour countries - all are conundrums to be removed and still India has to achieve a lot. But the spirit of achieving unity in diversity is laudable and will go further with democratic moves.

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