Saturday, July 27, 2019

Dinesh Kamath's Editorial 'CIDCO Mega Housing Development Scheme' that was published in Newsband

CIDCO Mega Housing Development Scheme

In the appeal process of CIDCO Mega Housing Development Scheme 2018-19, the list of eligible and ineligible applicants was declared. This was published on CIDCO’s website . In fact, the applicants can personally login on My Application and click and just find out whether they are eligible or ineligible. CIDCO has permitted ineligible applicants 15 days to make an appeal. This is the last chance. Those documents which were found to have mistakes during checking or those applicants who have not submitted complete documents, such applicants are given 15 days to make an appeal. This is the last chance and those who will prove to be ineligible applicants after this, they will not be given any other chance to appeal. More than one appeal during this period will not be accepted.
The applicants can appeal on CIDCO’s website on 28 July 2019 at 2 pm for online booking / appointment from 30 July 2019 to 13 August 2019. The whole process will be available during office time i.e from 11 am till 5 pm.
For appeal purpose, the applicants have to come with all the documents as per the appointment. The documents will be checked fully and the decision related to eligibility will be taken and the applicants will be informed through the website. The final decision in matter of appeal will be of management (marketing-2). No appeal will be taken during any time other than the time specified by website.
For further information, call 022-62722250.
Thus one should appreciate this system worked out by CIDCO to decide the eligibility and ineligibility of the applicants for the Mega Housing Development Scheme.  

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