Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Dinesh Kamath's Editorial (Perfect implementation of RTE Act will make India a super power) that was published in Newsband

Perfect implementation of RTE Act will make India a super power
Education is a stepping stone for success. Children are the ones who will be leading the future of this nation; we cannot risk doing injustice to them. Any school, which cannot take the responsibility of grooming the future of a nation, deserves to be severely criticized. The Government should take actions against the school and take the first step in upholding the RTE.
Most of these so called autonomous educational institutions get benefits of concessional land, tax breaks etc from the government. So, on what basis are these institutions not implementing the RTE act? All kinds of frivolous excuses, legal methods and technical glitches are being utilized to evade RTE act. And when nothing works, some elements of the society show their true color by inhumane treatment to little children. Undoubtedly, this is one more example of hypocrisy, so often observed in our society. Is minting money the only objective of these schools?
A strong political will is required to force these schools to go by government’s policy. Few schools cannot be allowed to sabotage the true development goals of government. What types of citizens are groomed by such schools? Those who show utter contempt for fellow human beings?
Effective Law doesn’t mean just to include it into constitution. One should be aware of one's Fundamental Duty i.e. to abide by law. If everyone will strictly follow their fundamental duty then it will be easy to implement Fundamental right.
There is an urgent need to think about the proper implementation of RTE act because it is a big initiative to finish the status quo mentality. After six decades of freedom this act came into existence and now due to non-cooperation by some people of our society it cannot be totally implemented.
RTE is most welcome step from government. But this kind of initiative would remain ineffective until we, the people of this great nation, do not change our way of thinking. We should respect even a poor child’s right to education.
The American public school system had welded poor illiterate immigrants from around the globe into a powerful and productive nation. India should follow that example. It is ironic that "Socialist" India should abdicate education of her Children to for-profit profiteers - downgrading education to 'Exam coaching'. It is only when every Indian child’s Right To Education is respected we will witness the birth of many more ‘Dhirubhai Ambanis’. Only after that India can become a super power.

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