Saturday, August 4, 2012

Dinesh Kamath's Editorial (Two opinions about education) that was published in Newsband

Two opinions about education
The government should work primarily on quality of education, which is deteriorating day by day. It can only be made possible when norms which are made by the government body are followed strictly. The problem of brain drain should be tackled.
There is one section of people who believe this: “Institutes which are meant merely for profiteering must be closed with immediate effect. Because of such institution, a demarcation is being created among students. Thirdly infrastructure is also a concern for quality of higher education. If we are focusing on higher education it should be inclusive of all classes of society; then only we can say we are building a strong and healthy system of education. Lastly, a healthy management is also required to improve higher education system. It’s sad to see that "Education" which drives the growth and economy of a country is in such sad state of affairs. Ideally the committees are meant to accelerate and improvise decisions; however, nowadays it’s not an exaggeration to say they are the source for delays. It’s unfortunate that the famed education in India is now just a mere Money Making tool. We have this anathema to commercialize education. Even now it is for profit practically. It is really disgusting and pathetic. Diluting standards of higher education causes educational migrations to overseas universities.
So the government should take stringent actions to improve the quality of higher education.”
The same section of people complain: “Education is becoming business day by day. Specially, in engineering colleges there is no quality in studies. After giving the permission to the colleges, the government should check quality of the college, especially lecturers. Nowadays people think that engineering college lecturer is someone who doesn't get any job and so he joins as a lecturer. Also many colleges don't have a proper lab facilities and engineering and medicine and pharmacy colleges take deposits and semester examination fees and lacks of donations.”
The above points are those made by one section of people. But there are supporters of commercialized education. They say: “Running an Educational Institution is an economic activity. It involves men, money and material like any other business activity. It involves balance sheet, capital expenditures and current expenditures. How can this activity be performed without profit motivation if it is to be done by private entities. Running the show is as complex as construction industry. Yet no one says 'construction industry' should be a 'not for profit' industry. An individual should not expect Socialistic expenditure pattern on one side of the scale and Capitalistic income pattern on the other side. Get realistic.”
Now which among the above two sections of the people is right?  

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