Monday, March 13, 2017

Dinesh Kamath's Editorial 'Women’s empowerment is Nation’s empowerment' that was published in Newsband

Women’s empowerment is Nation’s empowerment
Increasing of paid maternity leave for women in the organised sector to 26 weeks from 12 is a good step. World Health Organisation recommends exclusive breastfeeding of children for the first 24 weeks. Giving some benefits to adoptive mothers and women who get children using embryo transfers as well signals India is in step with social changes.
The amended law is expected to cover only 1.8 million women. But what about many poor millions in the unorganised sector? Providing benefits for women and children is a societal responsibility mandating creche facilities to help women workers. This is a forward-looking move.
Women's empowerment can be achieved through universal initiative not by imposing conditionalities to avail benefits especially in unorganised sector. Maternity Benefit Act must be passed for unorganised sector and also for those women who are daily pay worker. We all know that a country become prosperous only through the healthy and prosperous people and it can be possible only through a healthy and prosperous mother.
That more needs to be done on mother and child front is undeniably true but should be done in such a way that other sections do not bear the brunt out of it. However, women in unorganized sector who are deprived of the benefit of this amendment need re-look with special cover.
It should continue to be mandatory for employers to provide pay during maternity leave period. Any social security insurance should be only for the poorer or less paid mothers, over and above the employer's pay.
The benefits granted to women should be appreciated. These benefits would allow safety and security to pregnant women as they can have rest for a longer period of time and have economic safety.
Though India is progressing, still infant mortality rate is alarming. People say "when a women gives birth to child she will take a rebirth". Unfortunately so many mothers are not taking rebirths due to poor medical facilities. It is very necessary for the government to take proper steps in providing health care and nutrition of women should be taken care of. And lastly don't forget to consider millions of women who are deprived of this benefit. And if you are providing monetary benefits, don't forget to enforce a strict vigilant mechanism to check whether money reaches the needful or not

Women’s empowerment equals nations’ empowerment. So women’s welfare must be met and achieved at any cost

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