Bipasha Basu is the one I'll talk about today. Bipasha is now making inroads in Hollywood. The actor has over the time tranformed from a oomphy babe to a serious actor.
Bipasha's latest venture is Players. Bipasha was blown away when she heard the script for Players. Do watch and experience the exciting thrill ride that is Abbas Mustan's Players: Go for the Gold, which is a remake of Hollywood's The Italian Job. The film boasts an all-star cast and the gorgeous Bipasha Basu takes on the new avatar of an automobile expert in the cool heist flick. Not only is her character an expert at fixing cars, but she also can fix any other mechanical item you can think of. She also joins in on a con of a Russian general as a dancer in a club and of course, is part of that epic gold heist.
It was the script and her role, the cool factor and stunts, plus her fabulous equation with Abbas-Mustan that made her want to take part in the film. She enjoyed working in -30 degrees on a moving train in Russia and that too with the boys of the cast.
There are many reasons why Bipasha said yes to this role in Players. Whenever Abbas-Mustan cast her, firstly, the film was a blockbuster and secondly, her character was always liked. There was no question that they wouldn't give her an interesting role. Then she heard the story and screenplay and she was bowled over. The film was very tight and very interesting. She wanted to see herself as Riya since she was very dynamic. So, she was on immediately.
Players is the remake of The Italian Job. It is just an adaption of The Italian Job; so the basic story remains the same, but new characters have been added because the screenplay is very different with of course, more twists and turns because Abbas-Mustan are very good at it. They make great thrillers. It is amazing. Bipasha says hats off to them because they have taken a classic and they have just turned it around. They have made it to the tastes of 2012 and they have Indianized it. Bipasha's character is an absolutely new character. Bipasha was really excited to play her because she really is a critical player in the film.
Abbas-Mustan are the most creative directors you can ask for. They know how to make stylish films. Bipasha and Abbas and Mustan have a very amazing tuning now. They have done quite a lot of films together and Abbas-Mustan don't even need to tell Bipasha, she understands what they want out of her in a particular scene. It is amazing. They are like family to her now.
It being Abbas-Mustan, Bipasha had to do action. The entire thing is a heist film and every player is particularly skilled in one thing. Riya, her character, is an automobile expert and so everything that got to do with a machine she handles that. So, put together, everyone with their skills pull off big missions and they all contribute equally to the stunts. It is really big because these are like large-scale action sequences and very, very high energy. Everyone is doing their bit, bit, bit, but when it is edited it looks so big and so huge that it looks amazing. Everyone is filming separately because everyone is doing something at some place and then when it is all put together it really looks great.
The film was shot all over the world; Some of the scenes were shot in the North Pole. Of course, Bipasha was not made to stand out there in a white filmy sari. Our films have changed; Our filmmakers don't do the sari thing anymore. That stopped about the time Bipasha started films. She did do one film with Abhishek and in the film they were on their honeymoon in Kullu Manali; so Bipasha wore a sari and her feet were freezing, and Abhishek was trying to throw her in the snow off screen. That was Abhishek's sense of humor, he wanted to get Bipasha in the snow since it was a challenge.
In Players, Bipasha and others had to actually shoot in -30 degrees. They were put in a moving train in a cargo car; so it was an open thing and they felt as if they had died. They couldn't say their dialogues; Their spit would freeze. It was crazy. Bipasha couldn't really open her mouth, her jaws were locked. She and her team were hungry all the time in the cold. They were drinking tons of hot chocolate and because of that they became a little bit plump, pleasantly plump, all of them during the Russia schedule, but thankfully because the clothes were really thick to keep them warm they couldn't really make out that they were a little plump. For both Bipasha and the team she was working with, it was an amazing time. Another thing was the sun would set for only two hours, so when they landed the first day it was 12:30 in the night and it was bright and Bipasha said, 'Where the hell am I?'
There was nothing to do there; so Bipasha and her team were always hanging out together. On a day off they would play video games in one really old kind of arcade. They would go out for walks and freeze. Everywhere they would go they would freeze. They tried to talk to the Russians with sign language. Bipasha had some Russian admirers all the time, wherever she went and she had these “bodyguards”, the guys from the film with her and one would turn into a brother, one would turn into a boyfriend, one would turn into something and save her from these Russian men. It was amazing out there, but it was quite mad.
The whole team was really bonded on set on this film. It was one of the nicest crew and cast that Bipasha could ask for, they were all friendly. Bipasha knew the crew completely because it is the same crew that worked on Race. The cast was a bunch of very effortless people who like to do good work and have a lot of fun during the making of the film. Everybody there has a great sense of humor and they are all so mad that they had a lot of fun when they were not shooting. Bipasha found everything wonderful and she got along with everybody effortlessly.
Bipasha had to shoot for a song in the Russian club. There is part of the screenplay where she is actually seducing one of the Russian generals in the film for a particular mission she and her team are on. The song is really catchy and the lyrics are really interesting. Bipasha liked the way she looked, it was a very cabaret look. It has some very interesting dance moves done by Bosco and Caesar.
It was really fun because the rest of Bipasha's co-stars were there and when she was dancing they were looking at her face during the song. One of the boys would start laughing every time she would look into their face. Here she had to be sexy and the boys treated her like one of the boys. They found her very HOT. So Bipasha really had a lot of fun!
As far as Players is concerned, Bipahsa liked the story, she liked the screenplay which was really interesting. She liked the action sequences which were done brilliantly. Her Director Of Photography Ravi Yadav shot the film amazingly.
I've not finished with Bipasha and so I'll continue with her tomorrow too. Till then, good bye!
Bipasha's latest venture is Players. Bipasha was blown away when she heard the script for Players. Do watch and experience the exciting thrill ride that is Abbas Mustan's Players: Go for the Gold, which is a remake of Hollywood's The Italian Job. The film boasts an all-star cast and the gorgeous Bipasha Basu takes on the new avatar of an automobile expert in the cool heist flick. Not only is her character an expert at fixing cars, but she also can fix any other mechanical item you can think of. She also joins in on a con of a Russian general as a dancer in a club and of course, is part of that epic gold heist.
It was the script and her role, the cool factor and stunts, plus her fabulous equation with Abbas-Mustan that made her want to take part in the film. She enjoyed working in -30 degrees on a moving train in Russia and that too with the boys of the cast.
There are many reasons why Bipasha said yes to this role in Players. Whenever Abbas-Mustan cast her, firstly, the film was a blockbuster and secondly, her character was always liked. There was no question that they wouldn't give her an interesting role. Then she heard the story and screenplay and she was bowled over. The film was very tight and very interesting. She wanted to see herself as Riya since she was very dynamic. So, she was on immediately.
Players is the remake of The Italian Job. It is just an adaption of The Italian Job; so the basic story remains the same, but new characters have been added because the screenplay is very different with of course, more twists and turns because Abbas-Mustan are very good at it. They make great thrillers. It is amazing. Bipasha says hats off to them because they have taken a classic and they have just turned it around. They have made it to the tastes of 2012 and they have Indianized it. Bipasha's character is an absolutely new character. Bipasha was really excited to play her because she really is a critical player in the film.
Abbas-Mustan are the most creative directors you can ask for. They know how to make stylish films. Bipasha and Abbas and Mustan have a very amazing tuning now. They have done quite a lot of films together and Abbas-Mustan don't even need to tell Bipasha, she understands what they want out of her in a particular scene. It is amazing. They are like family to her now.
It being Abbas-Mustan, Bipasha had to do action. The entire thing is a heist film and every player is particularly skilled in one thing. Riya, her character, is an automobile expert and so everything that got to do with a machine she handles that. So, put together, everyone with their skills pull off big missions and they all contribute equally to the stunts. It is really big because these are like large-scale action sequences and very, very high energy. Everyone is doing their bit, bit, bit, but when it is edited it looks so big and so huge that it looks amazing. Everyone is filming separately because everyone is doing something at some place and then when it is all put together it really looks great.
The film was shot all over the world; Some of the scenes were shot in the North Pole. Of course, Bipasha was not made to stand out there in a white filmy sari. Our films have changed; Our filmmakers don't do the sari thing anymore. That stopped about the time Bipasha started films. She did do one film with Abhishek and in the film they were on their honeymoon in Kullu Manali; so Bipasha wore a sari and her feet were freezing, and Abhishek was trying to throw her in the snow off screen. That was Abhishek's sense of humor, he wanted to get Bipasha in the snow since it was a challenge.
In Players, Bipasha and others had to actually shoot in -30 degrees. They were put in a moving train in a cargo car; so it was an open thing and they felt as if they had died. They couldn't say their dialogues; Their spit would freeze. It was crazy. Bipasha couldn't really open her mouth, her jaws were locked. She and her team were hungry all the time in the cold. They were drinking tons of hot chocolate and because of that they became a little bit plump, pleasantly plump, all of them during the Russia schedule, but thankfully because the clothes were really thick to keep them warm they couldn't really make out that they were a little plump. For both Bipasha and the team she was working with, it was an amazing time. Another thing was the sun would set for only two hours, so when they landed the first day it was 12:30 in the night and it was bright and Bipasha said, 'Where the hell am I?'
There was nothing to do there; so Bipasha and her team were always hanging out together. On a day off they would play video games in one really old kind of arcade. They would go out for walks and freeze. Everywhere they would go they would freeze. They tried to talk to the Russians with sign language. Bipasha had some Russian admirers all the time, wherever she went and she had these “bodyguards”, the guys from the film with her and one would turn into a brother, one would turn into a boyfriend, one would turn into something and save her from these Russian men. It was amazing out there, but it was quite mad.
The whole team was really bonded on set on this film. It was one of the nicest crew and cast that Bipasha could ask for, they were all friendly. Bipasha knew the crew completely because it is the same crew that worked on Race. The cast was a bunch of very effortless people who like to do good work and have a lot of fun during the making of the film. Everybody there has a great sense of humor and they are all so mad that they had a lot of fun when they were not shooting. Bipasha found everything wonderful and she got along with everybody effortlessly.
Bipasha had to shoot for a song in the Russian club. There is part of the screenplay where she is actually seducing one of the Russian generals in the film for a particular mission she and her team are on. The song is really catchy and the lyrics are really interesting. Bipasha liked the way she looked, it was a very cabaret look. It has some very interesting dance moves done by Bosco and Caesar.
It was really fun because the rest of Bipasha's co-stars were there and when she was dancing they were looking at her face during the song. One of the boys would start laughing every time she would look into their face. Here she had to be sexy and the boys treated her like one of the boys. They found her very HOT. So Bipasha really had a lot of fun!
As far as Players is concerned, Bipahsa liked the story, she liked the screenplay which was really interesting. She liked the action sequences which were done brilliantly. Her Director Of Photography Ravi Yadav shot the film amazingly.
I've not finished with Bipasha and so I'll continue with her tomorrow too. Till then, good bye!
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