Saturday, March 22, 2014

Dinesh Kamath's news 'Desperate attempts by police to prevent suicides at Vashi Creek' that was published in Newsband

Desperate attempts by police to prevent suicides at Vashi Creek
By Dinesh Kamath

(Above) Picture of Vashi Creek
NAVI MUMBAI: Just recently Vashi police had rescued two females who attempted to commit suicide by jumping into the Vashi Creek. Such cases of committing or attempting suicide have occurred many times at Vashi Creek. This place is become a kind of ‘Suicide Spot’. The Navi Mumbai police are desperately trying to remove this tag of ‘Suicide Spot’ that is attached to Vashi Creek. They have also invited suggestions from the Navi Mumbai residents to prevent suicides from taking place at this creek. The police department of the city is also planning to put up at the right places banners asking people not to consider their lives as so cheap so as to give them up at this spot.
In the past, there were many incidents of suicide that had occurred at this spot. The psychologists in the city have come up with many reasons that lead a person to commit suicide. They have come up with explanation about what exactly gives birth to suicidal tendencies. As far as Vashi Creek is concerned, those with suicidal tendencies find this spot most convenient to end their lives since all tat they need to do is jump off the bridge. But what is a solution for these desperate individuals is a big problem for the police department.
Hence the city police have arranged a special boat service to keep a watch on this spot and to rush to the rescue of anybody whom they discover while attempting suicide. This way, the police feel, many lives can be saved. Small boats during low tide can prove to be useful to reach the person who has jumped off the bridge and save his or her life on time. Making use of speedboats would have been a good idea but it is not possible to operate a speedboat in this creek. The fishermen residing around the creek are asked to keep vigil and lend their boats during emergency. They are also promised payment for this service. There are many cases where people who have attempted suicides by going deep into the waters have been saved by fishermen. Fishermen feel at home in the waters and also they are very well informed about the area where they pursue their fishing business and hence they have no problem in rushing to the rescue of those people who choose waters to end their lives. If a boat is not available, these fishermen are able to rescue the persons attempting suicide by using wooden planks lying around to reach the person.  
A resident of Vashi who resides near the creek said, “It is not enough to just save those people who attempt suicide here. Those saved from ending their lives should be given the necessary psychiatric department and they should be counseled by a competent psychologist. They should be made to understand the value of life and the ways to tackle problems that life offers them. Suicide, after all, is not a solution to any problem. It is an act of cowardice.”
The city police authorities have also planned to post policemen along the bridge to keep vigil and prevent suicide attempts. The police authorities are trying to come up with a plan which is absolutely fool-proof and which will at least minimize, if not totally eliminate, the number of suicide cases.
An elderly man from Vashi said, “It is not enough to just put up banners asking people not to commit suicides. The family of one with suicidal tendency should also be asked to remain alert and quickly detect such suicidal tendency and take necessary actions. Banners with life-inspiring slogans should be meant not just for the one with suicidal tendency but also for his or her family members.”

Thus Navi Mumbai police authorities deserve to be lauded for trying their level best to minimize cases of suicide at Vashi Creek. Even the fear of the fact that policemen are patrolling at this spot can prevent a person from attempting suicide at this spot. Thus it is a good move on the part of the city policemen to try and chalk out ways and means to stop people from committing suicide at this creek. 

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