Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Dinesh Kamath's Editorial 'India should focus on political and military progress' that was published in Newsband

India should focus on political and military progress
The long-range ballistic missile Agni-V was successfully test-fired for the fourth time. The indigenously built nuclear submarine INS Arihant was commissioned recently. This proves that India is on her way to creating a robust and world-class second-strike capability. Remember that India has sworn to no-first-use of nuclear weapons. With the four tests, Agni-V is now ready for induction into the Strategic Forces Command, with a target range from 700 km to 4,000 km.
 A credible second-strike capability should also be complemented by a modern, powerful military. The Indian military badly needs modernisation across its three arms. India does have a mature political and military leadership today. In a complex global strategic environment, where nations issue nuclear threats India showcases itself as a responsible nuclear power.
India has its obligation to its citizens and its overall obligation to the humanity by developing and installing an effective and robust deterrence while adhering to its "non first strike" nuclear growth.
Today government of India is focusing on good governance. The problems of defence can be solved pragmatically by eradicating the internal termites like black money and lack of education.
Almost all the countries are trying to create deterrent to their enemy country. But there is need for India to always remember that it should not only focus on nuclear weapons but also good governance and development. Along with arms and missile, we should focus on our manual strength as well.
While the missile technology is rising to great heights, the MiGs are failing causing human casualties. The policy should not just be a show of strength to the world but also there should be plugging of internal loopholes
In the fast changing global scenario, India needs to stand on its own legs. Whatever arsenal we could gather should be made part of our forces. It is no secret that there is a possible scenario of future escalation of conflict in the region. Our number 1 adversary is China and it is that country which props up Pakistan against us rather than the U S. This fact needs to be considered while working on our future defence policy maneuvers.
Living in fear was a fashion till recent times with most of the people falling in love with destruction power. This should not be the case now when the world has become civilized to a great extent.
However, it is a commendable job done by India but there is need for us to improve much beyond the expectations. Agni V is another feather in the nuclear military power of the Indian defence structure. It is good that our nuclear power is becoming stronger and stronger and it is a must at this juncture when India is having border issues with frowning neighbours like China and Pakistan. India is doing the right thing by continuing missile test. It must have war preparedness and augment second strike capability. India should never hesitate to use nuclear missiles to counter the attacks from neighbours with incessant enmity.
Those who opposed n-weapons and missile development in 1998 are now congratulating the successes of this programme today. We have learnt from experience that we must always stand for our 'self-interests' just like all the other nations and that there is no need for moral grand-standing.

The last thing is that it is obvious that the cost of acquiring such weapons is huge. It is necessary that we strike balance between genuine defence concerns and the need to improve the living conditions of the people.

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