Monday, January 23, 2017

Dinesh Kamath's Editorial 'War against hacking is necessary' that was published in Newsband

War against hacking is necessary
Is it true that the victory of Donald Trump in the November presidential election was owing to Russia’s alleged “influence campaign” that sought to tip the scales in favour of the property magnate? It seems there were hacking of email accounts of Democratic Party officials and other political figures. Further, personal information of the victims was passed on to the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks and broader media. This must have led to defeat of the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton.
It is possible that a section of voters was swayed by this covert action? But the scholars say that Mr. Trump’s win was owing to domestic politics, including economic woes and the anti-immigrant attitudes of an angry middle class
Information is ultimate power in the digital universe of 21st century democracies. The rise of hacking and fake news thus is a source of deep fear. How might this impact the world where Russia and China are aggressively pushing for domination over the EU/UK?
How secure are India’s administrative, financial and commercial systems to attacks by Russia and China? Does the unprepared push towards digital-economy make matters worse? Where do all these leave India, when China is encircling India (by influencing India’s neighbours with money and military might) and supporting Pakistan to attack India?
Since it has been proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the US presidential election was messed with by Russia, the result should be treated as null and void by the US Election Commission. The EC then should order a re-poll after plugging all the loopholes so Russia or any other country cannot hack the presidential re-election. However, surprisingly, there is no talk or sign of such a thing happening.
After terrorism, Hacking is worldwide threat that breaches security cordon clandestinely to play havoc. Even if lives are not under threat, it gives an opportunity for wishes and aspirations of other nationals to penetrate and sideline the views of majority nationals and have their scores settled finally. It has the power to change the landscape of the future. That USA was regarded highly secured and impregnable was brought to nought on 9/11 when twin towers came crashing down following attacks by terrorist groups. Using her might America not only crushed militancy within and outside her boundaries but made USA safe again.

Within a couple of decade we see American elections could be penetrated, hacked. It proves that all is not well with USA too. Mr Trump’s Nelson’s eye on hacking is dangerous for US and rise in hacking will mar plans of leaders and upset fair election processes. A collective effort as “War against Terror” is essential.

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