Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Dinesh Kamath's Editorial 'Indians in US are in danger?' that was published in Newsband

Indians in US are in danger?
It’s a confusing time for Indians in America. There are Americans who support them while also those who oppose them. This has been happening since the start of the Trump administration. Many Indians have become acutely aware of their skin colour after the rise of alleged hate crimes against Indians. It has been happening since Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump, who had run a campaign built largely on anti-immigrant, anti-outsourcing rhetoric.
Around 40% of US colleges are seeing a decline in applications from International students. The largest drop reported was from India and China. Job-hunting has become much more difficult for Indians in US. “Indians who have already got a green card are in a safe spot, at least professionally, but there is a sense that those without one are now in for trouble.
India has same democratic right for minorities as America. The difference is that Indian minority in America is successful and mainstream. India has too many people. Assuming a 10% GDP growth rate for 70-80 years the standards of living will reach what is today considered "developed nation" status. (OECD). We simply have to emigrate to countries which are already developed today and have a declining population and need of workers.
Not everyone have same level of income and wealth in India. Migrating is only proper when opportunity exists, it can be had in India or abroad. Each person can decide. There is no magic wand going abroad. If you are poor or unskilled, you start as a poor in West. If you are rich and educated, you start well in both the places.
Most of the Indians in the US were in strong support of Hillary and were Anti-Trump since they had foreseen that time what is happening today if Trump came to power. No need to be defensive about who or what origin we are from. Best response if someone asks a Brown Skin (Indian) to go back - tell them yes I will go back after you go back to where your ancestors came from. Give him/her a link to Ancestry dot com, let them find out which European country their grandparents came from and then go back to that country - immediately after that I will pack my bags and also leave America. Of course we have to be careful so the situation does not turn violent or is not physically threatening to us while doing so.
There is an uncanny similarity in Indian and US media reaction, post elections. Three deaths are sufficient to brand an entire country as anti Indian, just like one murder was sufficient to brand entire country as anti minority. Selective and biased reporting should be avoided. For India, the fact is, that both Hindus and Muslims have been victims of state supported violence. Media just highlight the incidents which suits them or their political masters. The end game is that people should be divided. On what basis the division would be, changes from one government to other.
Some Americans say, "Immigrants take our jobs". But the two kind of jobs Immigrant take away are either High-Tech jobs or manual labour of landscaping etc. The first an average American can't due to his/her education level and the 2nd kind, he doesn't want to. But he can sit and complain which he does.

Why some Indians migrate to America? India is a mess - culturally & economically. Everything is shoddy and substandard. There are few quality jobs around. Corruption, cronyism and nepotism are rampant. The universities (700 of them) are more like higher schools. None appear among the top 300 in the annual global ranking of universities. Instead of innovation and creativity, our government seem to be living in the Vedic past and focus on cows, caste, beef and the like. They simply cannot grapple with modernity.

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