Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Dinesh Kamath's Editorial 'Need to combat heat waves' that was published in Newsband

Need to combat heat waves
The heat waves in several States between April and June may become more frequent in coming years. The scientific consensus is that heat waves will grow stronger and expand their geographical spread in the south. The number of people dying due to heat stress last year was half of the previous year. There is a need to evolve detailed action plans at the level of States, districts and cities.
The National Disaster Management Authority is guiding States, in partnership with the India Meteorological Department. In the Indian context, crop failures and disruption of electricity supply due to sudden peak demand are common. People experience dehydration, heat cramps and deadly heatstroke. The elderly are particularly at risk.
Better meteorological forecasting can provide an early warning about a coming hot spell. To defend ourselves from the harms of unusual heat waves no single short term remedy is sufficient. It requires a long term and large course of action which includes mass afforestation, eco- friendly architecture, pollution control, proper planning of cities, and so on. Disasters are natural but the intensity of their impact depends on us. Prevention is anytime better than cure. Increasing distress due to climate change is an outcome of unplanned development. Once such unplanned industrialization takes place then it becomes very difficult to take the necessary measures. A wise man digs well before but a fool starts digging after becoming too thirsty and dies before he seeks water.
We are witnessing since last many years that torrid summer has been increasing year by year. In the winter or rainy season, we should prepare ourselves for summer. We should learn some lessons from this horrible summer that we should never waste water, electricity, other precious resources etc.

Heat and cold wave process in India is associated wind pattern with respect to high pressure belt around Nagpur. The wind patterns will change according to what is happening in Bay of Bengal or Arabian Sea. The affluent people should use air conditioner at optimum level, not very chill, so that the outer environment can be burdened with less heat. After all everyone needs to play some role on combating heat wave.

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