Thursday, December 3, 2015

Dinesh Kamath's Editorial 'Modi displays his marketing genius in Kuala Lumpur' that was published in Newsband

Modi displays his marketing genius in Kuala Lumpur
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Kuala Lumpur to attend the ASEAN-India summit was interesting. Modi pitched India as an investment destination to the East Asian countries. He rightly took credit for turning the Indian economy around since his government “took office 18 months ago”, and outlined his plans for economic reform. He also offered specific opportunities to ASEAN countries on investing in infrastructure in India, particularly in Metro Rail systems, housing, road, rail and waterways.
This typical Gujarati is trying to change things from the decadent time of the Congress allied ruling of India. His way of dealing brought lot of respect to Indians and the world looks at India very well now. His marketing strategy well served the purpose, now the delivery time. Congress and allied forces, hope, take a pragmatic and positive approach so that the nation makes its march past to the challenging world around.
The transformation that India needs requires trillions of dollars in investment and the involvement of masses of specialised personnel in varying disciplines. We can't do this transformation alone and will need help from whoever is willing to pitch in. The Prime Minister has understood this very clearly and his peripatetic wanderings around the globe are evidence of this. This is true also with our defence capabilities. Our external threats from Pakistan, backed by China, and indifference from the West, requires that we form alliances with nations facing similar threats. The PM's visit to Japan and Asean is proof that this threat has been visualised. More than the external threat, our adversaries hope that this country will implode due to its great diversity and unprincipled political debate. India is perceived very poorly by foreign media due to this. It looks as if we are our own worst enemies.
A country is not great only for its leaders but rather for its people. Modi's efforts to market India is praise worthy. It is a joint responsibility of current government, the opposition, state governments, private businesses and common people to work together in the delivery.

As swayam sevak Modi did visit every part of India he does understand the pain of rural India and only way to solve the problems of poor is to provide opportunities through investments in alternate sectors apart from agriculture which are heavily dependent on Climate. Last 20-30 years Indian politicians have always thought of dole outs and freebies as ways of alleviating poverty in this country. All it has done is only increase our woes and also create a huge mass of people with semi or no skill. Freebies have been tried for 20 years. Now give a chance to alternate economics at least for 10 years.

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