Thursday, February 2, 2017

Dinesh Kamath's Editorial 'Should we believe Donald Trump or not?' that was published in Newsband

Should we believe Donald Trump or not?
US President Donald Trump is skeptical about climate change. Trump administration instructed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to scrub all mention of climate change from its website. According to him global warming is an expensive hoax. Trump intends to reverse America’s involvement in the historic Paris climate accord.
With the average global temperature already reaching 0.8°C above pre-industrial levels, there are fears that further delay will have long-term repercussions that would be near impossible to mitigate. Hence any negative deviation from the plan will have implications for the entire world.
If Trump is right then was global warming a hoax played by developed countries to harness the development of industries and use of refrigeration technology in developing countries and make these countries depend on them?
But we have a ministry in India with climate change as party of its name. The first thing in solving a problem is accepting there is one. Every environment scientist in the word agrees with global warming. As for the ozone layer, there has been pictures presented by NASA which has captured damaged ozone layer.
Donald Trump has lofty ideas. He wants to aggressively target Republican policies. First it was eliminating Islam terror, then running industry and the country with domestic skill and now reversing Obama’s weather initiative bringing it back to fossil fuels. How he will translate it into reality is a big question.
Till now the US has been negligent towards climate change. And now President Trump, who is severely against the steps towards climate change, is in the administration of the Super Power. God bless us. The world cannot allow one individual, whoever he may be, to put the entire planet in danger.

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