Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dinesh Kamath's news item 'Sant Asaramji Bapu’s satsang discourse: first day' that was published in Newsband

Sant Asaramji Bapu’s satsang discourse: first day
Press release edited by Dinesh Kamath
KHARGHAR: The 1st day of Sant Asaram Bapu’s satsang discourse took place at CIDCO ground, opposite Central Park, Sector 27, Khargar.
Reiterating the benefits of Palash, Bapuji said “According to Ayurveda, playing Holi with Palash flowers alleviates doshas caused by Kapha and Pitta and is beneficial in leprosy, inflammation, painful discharge of urine, gastric disorders, and indigestion and blood disorders. It improves blood circulation and strengthens muscles. It also strengthens mental faculties and willpower. If one plays Holi with Palash flowers, resistance to heat of the summer season is developed. The seven colours and the seven Dhatus are balanced. It equips the body with resistance against the hot summer sun. In the March Holi satsang in Mumbai, around 3,500 litres were used for the celebrations. Such community Holi with Lakhs of people not only gives them the abovementioned benefits, but also saves water. To continue deriving benefit of Palash, the samiti has arranged for Palash Sharbat for all those present for the satsang program”
Bapuji said that one should always keep positive attitude towards every situation in the life.
Bapuji pointed out that the knowledge gained in a satsang (discourse) alleviates pain and enables us to go on through life with a smile despite adversities. The whole crowd became a river of bliss, forgetting their troubles as they danced when Bapuji started Hari Naam kirtan. The pious saint, who is known for his teaching the art of living a happy, healthy and respected life said, “Taking on an empty stomach after proper mastication neem leaves and a couple of black pepper seeds for 20-25 days following Holi protects one against many a disease. Taking salt less or low salt diet for 15 days after Holi has a miraculous effect on resistance against diseases.
A measure that will alleviate the three Doshas and build resistance: Lie on your back in shavasana (corpse posture) on a mat or blanket, which is non-conductor of electricity, early in the morning with an empty stomach and with your head towards east or south. Breathe completely out and then expand and contract your belly 20-25 times. Repeat this exercise three times so that the stomach exercise is repeated 60-70 times. Breathe out and expand and contract the anus 30-40 times the way horse does while discharging faeces. The process should be repeated 4-5 times so that expansion and contraction of the anus is done 150-200 times. It is known as ‘sthal-basti’.”
Bapuji added, “This procedure is useful in 132 diseases occurring from any of the three doshas. In addition, hundreds of diseases occurring from the mixed effect of the three doshas are warded off. It is beneficial in whites, loss of semen, nocturnal emissions etc. and also in stomach disorders like constipation, acidity, gastric disorders, stomach-pain, piles. It makes the Kundalini rise upwards and helps in overcoming the six enemies – desire, anger etc.”
Mantra-Diksha will be granted on 7th April at 7.00 am

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